Sunday, May 1, 2011

Acolyte Festival at Trinity Cathedral, Little Rock, AR

The youth group visited Trinity Cathedral in Little Rock to particpate in the Acolyte Festival. They had a great time learning about the different aspects of acolyting such as carrying the crosses, flags, banners and torches. They discussed the tradition and symbolism of serving and assisting the priest or deacon with preparing the sacraments. After lunch they partipated in Eucharist with Bishop Benfield. They dressed in their robes and processed into the cathedral. Jose served as First Server and Monica was Second Server. They both did a fantastic job!

I was very moved by Deacon Stephen Kidd's homily. He spoke about the purpose of acolyting and taking the light of Christ into the world. The acolytes carry the candle light, symbolizing the light of Christ, out of the church to show how the people should "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord." Fabulous!

Thank you so much to Stephen Kidd for organizing the festival and making the day really fun! Thank you to everyone who taught the kids about acolyting. Thank you AS ALWAYS to my parents, John and Wendy Shoffner, for taking their time to drive the kids to Little Rock and being such inspiring role models for me and for the group. I love you both!

Below I've posted some photos.

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