Monday, March 14, 2011

Sr. High Winterstar at Camp Mitchell, February 2011

The Diocese hosted a weekend at Camp Mitchell for Sr. High youth from around the state. The theme was "Be the Change." The kids had a blast!

Jr. High Winterstar at Camp Mitchell, March 2011

The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas hosted a weekend for Jr. High youth members from around the state. The theme of the weekend was "Be the Change." Our Jr. High kids had a wonderful time!

New Members

We've added two more kids to the youth group, Melissa (17) and Ana (15)!

Sunday in Little Rock, March 2011

The kids had a great trip to Little Rock yesterday! We went to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral for the 11:15 am service. Then, to the Flying Fish for lunch. Then, to the home of Lupita Chavarria, Executive Director of Asociacion de Mujeres de Arkansas (Association of Arkansas Women). Lupita gave a fabulous presentation on managing money and getting college scholarships. A special thanks to her, my parents, Wendy and John Shoffner, and Reverend Canon Russ Snapp.

Outside Trinity Cathedral

At Lupita's home

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 2011

The kids had a great time making pancakes and interacting with community members! A special "Thank you!" to Mike Mink, Bettye and Bobby Newell, Patsy and Ralph McDonald, Marcia and Zach Curtner, Martha Wank, Joey Taylor, Lindsey Mack, Lee and Terry Scoggins and Wendy and John Shoffner.